The 2nd Conference of Libyan Thoracic Society was held on 2 days 2-3/October/2021 at Corinthia Hotel – Tripoli.
Sponsored by Alkhebrat Addawaiya Company.
The Conference included many scientific lectures and medical workshops as it also included a gallery where we participated by presenting all ALDO-UNION products.
The attendance included pulmonologists and physicians from public and private sectors, medical stuff who are interested in topics and pharmacists as well.
The conference was also shared on live-stream by ZOOM application.
مشاركة شركة #الخبرات_الدوائية ضمن فعاليات المؤتمر الثاني العام للجمعية الليبية #للصدرية بحضور نخبة من الأطباء.
والذي أقيم بفندق كورنثيا – طرابلس على مدار يومين متتالين ، الجمعة والسبت 02-03/10/2021

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